Ducks In A Row

There’s something so satisfying about a productive morning.

It’s been a busy start to the second day of the brand new year. By 8am I had completed a comprehensive list of tasks while simultaneously managing a bleeding nose and weird pain in my side.

Laundry, dishes, recycling bins out, bills paid, paperwork filed, bed made, various subscriptions cancelled, meters checked, Dyson on charge, selection boxes emptied into a seriously impressive chocolate swag bag – I haven’t indulged, yet! The kids are still sleeping so I could get away with a Wispa.

I’m now clearing and sorting our ‘winter accessories drawers’. Yes, it’s a thing. Winter school runs on foot can be quite challenging if you don’t want your kids to spend their schools days drenched, cold and with sopping wet socks! I can’t think of anything worse because you’re GUARANTEED they’ll end up being off school with minor colds etc.

So, we have a bureau in the living room with two deep drawers stuffed full of hats, gloves, scarfs, ear muffs (called muffers in our house) umbrellas, spare socks, running arm bands and hand warmers.

The seasonal changing around of these drawers from bobble hats to sunglasses always reminds me of how meh the British weather has become. It’s slowly merging into consistently mild and damp, as opposed to hazy hot summers and subzero icy winters. I reckon we’re less than 12 months away from merging these accessories drawers to cover all eventualities, all year round. We’ve officially wrecked the planet.

New for the new year – despite me saying no resolutions, is less meat. I reckon as a family we could go veggie, aside from spag bol so I’ll be trying quorn mince for the first time later this week.

We’ve got to get better at recycling too. I’ve gotten too lazy with just throwing stuff in the main bin instead of properly separating the recyclable bits. That’s another easy win.

Vinted will be truly battered later today when we clear out the big shared bedroom and collate ALL the clothes, shoes and accessories that are good enough to sell. Our local charity shops haven’t been accepting donations since way before Christmas otherwise they would be my first port of call.

What’s the score with eBay these days? Is anyone still using it to sell clothes? Let me know if you have a better recommendation.

By the time all our stuff is listed that’ll be day 2 of January done! Another 100 pages of my current book ‘Pineapple Street’ by Jenny Jackson before bed and that’ll be another fulfilling day of 2024 completed.

Weird this inbetween time, isn’t it? What are you up to?

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